NOTE: Make copies of this document and hand it out as people are loading the bus OR read it aloud as the bus is pulling out of the parking lot headed to the resort.
⇒ Above all, LISTEN TO and RESPECT the Driver! Once you get on the road, they’re in charge! Mess with them or be rude to them and suffer the consequences.
**If 55 people are shouting rudely to “turn down TV!” “turn up TV!” “turn music ON!” “stop for food!” “the bathroom smells!” “it’s too hot!” “I’m cold!” etc…. chances are the Driver will get nutty (understandably so!) and decide to turn off the TV for good, or stop when they feel like it. They know how to drive the bus, so let them. Most will be gracious enough to respect your requests if you do it the right way…. VIA THE BUS LEADER!**
**In emergency situations, tell the Bus Leader that you need to make a restroom stop- the Drivers are happy to honor this request!
**You don’t want to be known as the “kid that puked 2 hours out of town” for the rest of the trip/the rest of your ski & snowboard club tenure!
⇒Throw cans and bottles in the ample trash bags provided- NOT THE FLOOR!
**With your help and cooperation in these areas, we wish you and the drivers an enjoyable ride! Tour staff thanks you in advance for your help in keeping BUSES CLEAN and DRIVERS HAPPY! Don’t forget, you are the key in making the bus ride a SUCCESS!**
- DRIVER is in charge of BUS LEADER;
⇒ Above all, LISTEN TO and RESPECT the Driver! Once you get on the road, they’re in charge! Mess with them or be rude to them and suffer the consequences.
- BUS LEADERS are the only ones to communicate w/ DRIVER!
**If 55 people are shouting rudely to “turn down TV!” “turn up TV!” “turn music ON!” “stop for food!” “the bathroom smells!” “it’s too hot!” “I’m cold!” etc…. chances are the Driver will get nutty (understandably so!) and decide to turn off the TV for good, or stop when they feel like it. They know how to drive the bus, so let them. Most will be gracious enough to respect your requests if you do it the right way…. VIA THE BUS LEADER!**
**In emergency situations, tell the Bus Leader that you need to make a restroom stop- the Drivers are happy to honor this request!
**You don’t want to be known as the “kid that puked 2 hours out of town” for the rest of the trip/the rest of your ski & snowboard club tenure!
⇒Throw cans and bottles in the ample trash bags provided- NOT THE FLOOR!
**With your help and cooperation in these areas, we wish you and the drivers an enjoyable ride! Tour staff thanks you in advance for your help in keeping BUSES CLEAN and DRIVERS HAPPY! Don’t forget, you are the key in making the bus ride a SUCCESS!**